DITL_8001.txt # (decoded with TMPL 211) Number of items: (15 entries) 0: Display rect: x1=250, y1=186, x2=330, y2=206 Item type: 0x04 Item info: 'Open' 1: Display rect: x1=250, y1=155, x2=330, y2=175 Item type: 0x04 Item info: 'Cancel' 2: Display rect: x1=0, y1=0, x2=0, y2=0 Item type: -0x7F Item info: 'e' 3: Display rect: x1=233, y1=27, x2=335, y2=43 Item type: 0x00 Item info: '' 4: Display rect: x1=250, y1=51, x2=330, y2=71 Item type: 0x04 Item info: 'Eject' 5: Display rect: x1=250, y1=79, x2=330, y2=99 Item type: 0x04 Item info: 'Desktop' 6: Display rect: x1=10, y1=48, x2=228, y2=176 Item type: 0x00 Item info: '' 7: Display rect: x1=10, y1=25, x2=228, y2=44 Item type: 0x00 Item info: '' 8: Display rect: x1=248, y1=141, x2=332, y2=142 Item type: -0x40 Item info: ' ' 9: Display rect: x1=398, y1=176, x2=431, y2=192 Item type: 0x10 Item info: '' 10: Display rect: x1=398, y1=155, x2=456, y2=171 Item type: -0x78 Item info: 'Save as:' 11: Display rect: x1=250, y1=107, x2=330, y2=127 Item type: -0x80 Item info: '' 12: Display rect: x1=10, y1=186, x2=228, y2=206 Item type: 0x04 Item info: 'Select' 13: Display rect: x1=10, y1=4, x2=298, y2=20 Item type: -0x78 Item info: 'Choose the folder you want to use:' 14: Display rect: x1=310, y1=0, x2=321, y2=16 Item type: -0x80 Item info: '' DITL_1404_Tab 4.txt # (decoded with TMPL 211) Number of items: (4 entries) 0: Display rect: x1=10, y1=10, x2=228, y2=146 Item type: 0x08 Item info: '$$DCAL' 1: Display rect: x1=250, y1=50, x2=325, y2=66 Item type: 0x10 Item info: '31//1128,1,31' 2: Display rect: x1=240, y1=10, x2=360, y2=30 Item type: 0x08 Item info: '$$CTRL,1009,1,140,0' 3: Display rect: x1=250, y1=80, x2=325, y2=96 Item type: 0x10 Item info: '1970//1128,1900,2004' DITL_1403_Tab 3.txt # (decoded with TMPL 211) Number of items: (7 entries) 0: Display rect: x1=30, y1=30, x2=199, y2=48 Item type: 0x05 Item info: 'Use Flangepacker' 1: Display rect: x1=30, y1=50, x2=216, y2=68 Item type: 0x05 Item info: 'Update on my birthday' 2: Display rect: x1=30, y1=70, x2=192, y2=88 Item type: 0x05 Item info: 'Flip regularly' 3: Display rect: x1=30, y1=90, x2=192, y2=108 Item type: 0x05 Item info: 'Ignore doorbell' 4: Display rect: x1=10, y1=10, x2=270, y2=119 Item type: -0x78 Item info: 'Other Options$$FRAM' 5: Display rect: x1=110, y1=130, x2=266, y2=146 Item type: 0x10 Item info: 'Posh Spice' 6: Display rect: x1=10, y1=130, x2=97, y2=146 Item type: -0x78 Item info: 'Nickname:' DITL_1402_Tab 2.txt # (decoded with TMPL 211) Number of items: (11 entries) 0: Display rect: x1=80, y1=20, x2=186, y2=38 Item type: 0x06 Item info: 'Butter//200*' 1: Display rect: x1=80, y1=40, x2=186, y2=58 Item type: 0x06 Item info: 'Margarine//200' 2: Display rect: x1=80, y1=60, x2=186, y2=78 Item type: 0x06 Item info: 'Lard//200' 3: Display rect: x1=80, y1=110, x2=186, y2=128 Item type: 0x06 Item info: 'Dogs//201' 4: Display rect: x1=80, y1=130, x2=186, y2=148 Item type: 0x06 Item info: 'Cats//201*' 5: Display rect: x1=20, y1=20, x2=52, y2=52 Item type: -0x60 Item info: '' 6: Display rect: x1=20, y1=110, x2=52, y2=142 Item type: -0x60 Item info: '' 7: Display rect: x1=10, y1=90, x2=216, y2=154 Item type: -0x78 Item info: 'Pet Options$$FRAM' 8: Display rect: x1=10, y1=5, x2=216, y2=85 Item type: -0x78 Item info: 'Spreads$$FRAM' 9: Display rect: x1=245, y1=30, x2=353, y2=144 Item type: 0x08 Item info: '$$LIST,0,143' 10: Display rect: x1=230, y1=5, x2=366, y2=154 Item type: -0x78 Item info: 'Partner$$FRAM' DITL_1401_Tab 1.txt # (decoded with TMPL 211) Number of items: (10 entries) 0: Display rect: x1=120, y1=20, x2=299, y2=36 Item type: 0x10 Item info: 'Joe Smith//1024' 1: Display rect: x1=50, y1=20, x2=110, y2=36 Item type: -0x78 Item info: 'Name:' 2: Display rect: x1=30, y1=70, x2=136, y2=88 Item type: 0x06 Item info: 'Male//100*' 3: Display rect: x1=30, y1=90, x2=136, y2=108 Item type: 0x06 Item info: 'Female//100' 4: Display rect: x1=10, y1=10, x2=42, y2=42 Item type: -0x60 Item info: '' 5: Display rect: x1=30, y1=110, x2=136, y2=128 Item type: 0x06 Item info: 'Undecided//100' 6: Display rect: x1=180, y1=70, x2=286, y2=88 Item type: 0x05 Item info: 'Over 18' 7: Display rect: x1=180, y1=100, x2=248, y2=124 Item type: 0x08 Item info: '$$CPOP,132' 8: Display rect: x1=10, y1=50, x2=162, y2=136 Item type: -0x78 Item info: 'Gender$$FRAM' 9: Display rect: x1=320, y1=17, x2=352, y2=136 Item type: 0x08 Item info: '$$CTRL,49,5,1,10' DITL_1306.txt # (decoded with TMPL 211) Number of items: (1 entries) 0: Display rect: x1=-1, y1=6, x2=376, y2=212 Item type: 0x08 Item info: '$$TAB#,4,1306,1401,1402,1403,1404' DITL_1305_Appending.txt # (decoded with TMPL 211) Number of items: (7 entries) 0: Display rect: x1=20, y1=20, x2=126, y2=38 Item type: 0x05 Item info: 'Extra Fresh' 1: Display rect: x1=250, y1=20, x2=330, y2=40 Item type: 0x04 Item info: 'Spin Dry' 2: Display rect: x1=177, y1=50, x2=330, y2=131 Item type: 0x08 Item info: '$$LIST,0,143' 3: Display rect: x1=10, y1=5, x2=339, y2=146 Item type: -0x78 Item info: 'User options$$FRAM' 4: Display rect: x1=60, y1=50, x2=163, y2=71 Item type: -0x78 Item info: 'Select a user:' 5: Display rect: x1=20, y1=50, x2=52, y2=82 Item type: -0x60 Item info: '' 6: Display rect: x1=20, y1=109, x2=140, y2=131 Item type: 0x08 Item info: '$$CLOK,0' DITL_1304.txt # (decoded with TMPL 211) Number of items: (1 entries) 0: Display rect: x1=0, y1=0, x2=426, y2=312 Item type: 0x08 Item info: '$$TXT+,5,128,1' DITL_1302.txt # (decoded with TMPL 211) Number of items: (10 entries) 0: Display rect: x1=250, y1=110, x2=330, y2=130 Item type: 0x04 Item info: 'OK' 1: Display rect: x1=140, y1=110, x2=220, y2=130 Item type: 0x04 Item info: 'Cancel' 2: Display rect: x1=10, y1=10, x2=42, y2=42 Item type: -0x60 Item info: '' 3: Display rect: x1=50, y1=10, x2=339, y2=30 Item type: -0x78 Item info: 'Please enter this data before continuing:' 4: Display rect: x1=220, y1=40, x2=314, y2=56 Item type: 0x10 Item info: '10//1128,1,1399' 5: Display rect: x1=110, y1=40, x2=212, y2=56 Item type: -0x78 Item info: 'Warp Factor:' 6: Display rect: x1=220, y1=70, x2=314, y2=86 Item type: 0x10 Item info: '1968//1128,1920,2001' 7: Display rect: x1=110, y1=70, x2=185, y2=86 Item type: -0x78 Item info: 'Year:' 8: Display rect: x1=0, y1=100, x2=344, y2=102 Item type: -0x80 Item info: '' 9: Display rect: x1=50, y1=68, x2=100, y2=88 Item type: 0x08 Item info: '$$CPOP,132' DITL_1301.txt # (decoded with TMPL 211) Number of items: (7 entries) 0: Display rect: x1=250, y1=15, x2=330, y2=35 Item type: 0x04 Item info: 'Apply' 1: Display rect: x1=250, y1=70, x2=330, y2=90 Item type: 0x04 Item info: 'Skip' 2: Display rect: x1=250, y1=100, x2=330, y2=120 Item type: 0x04 Item info: 'Jump' 3: Display rect: x1=25, y1=30, x2=225, y2=46 Item type: 0x10 Item info: 'MacZoop' 4: Display rect: x1=25, y1=89, x2=225, y2=105 Item type: 0x10 Item info: 'Warthog' 5: Display rect: x1=10, y1=6, x2=240, y2=61 Item type: -0x78 Item info: 'Look for$$FRAM' 6: Display rect: x1=10, y1=65, x2=240, y2=120 Item type: -0x78 Item info: 'Replace with$$FRAM' DITL_1300.txt # (decoded with TMPL 211) Number of items: (16 entries) 0: Display rect: x1=320, y1=210, x2=400, y2=230 Item type: 0x04 Item info: 'OK' 1: Display rect: x1=210, y1=210, x2=290, y2=230 Item type: 0x04 Item info: 'Cancel' 2: Display rect: x1=10, y1=10, x2=106, y2=230 Item type: 0x08 Item info: '$$ICLB, 129' 3: Display rect: x1=200, y1=5, x2=397, y2=107 Item type: -0x78 Item info: 'Choose a species$$FRAM' 4: Display rect: x1=210, y1=19, x2=316, y2=37 Item type: 0x06 Item info: 'Frog//2*' 5: Display rect: x1=210, y1=39, x2=316, y2=57 Item type: 0x06 Item info: 'Elephant//2' 6: Display rect: x1=210, y1=59, x2=316, y2=77 Item type: 0x06 Item info: 'Giraffe//2' 7: Display rect: x1=210, y1=79, x2=316, y2=97 Item type: 0x06 Item info: 'Dodo//2' 8: Display rect: x1=240, y1=120, x2=400, y2=138 Item type: 0x05 Item info: 'Impinge gradually' 9: Display rect: x1=240, y1=140, x2=400, y2=158 Item type: 0x05 Item info: 'Dont bother knocking' 10: Display rect: x1=200, y1=170, x2=393, y2=186 Item type: 0x10 Item info: 'X-Ray Victor' 11: Display rect: x1=129, y1=19, x2=161, y2=51 Item type: -0x60 Item info: '' 12: Display rect: x1=120, y1=167, x2=185, y2=189 Item type: 0x08 Item info: '$$CPOP,132' 13: Display rect: x1=120, y1=118, x2=226, y2=140 Item type: 0x08 Item info: '$$CTRL,1009,1,140,0' 14: Display rect: x1=127, y1=56, x2=169, y2=72 Item type: -0x78 Item info: 'Hello!' 15: Display rect: x1=120, y1=10, x2=176, y2=84 Item type: -0x80 Item info: '' DITL_1201.txt # (decoded with TMPL 211) Number of items: (5 entries) 0: Display rect: x1=270, y1=110, x2=350, y2=130 Item type: 0x04 Item info: 'OK' 1: Display rect: x1=160, y1=110, x2=240, y2=130 Item type: 0x04 Item info: 'Cancel' 2: Display rect: x1=10, y1=10, x2=42, y2=26 Item type: -0x78 Item info: 'y = ' 3: Display rect: x1=50, y1=10, x2=344, y2=55 Item type: 0x10 Item info: 'sin(x)' 4: Display rect: x1=50, y1=65, x2=350, y2=99 Item type: -0x78 Item info: 'enter any valid expression in terms of x and optionally, a. (Mouse drag controls a)' DITL_510_Alert.txt # (decoded with TMPL 211) Number of items: (2 entries) 0: Display rect: x1=98, y1=76, x2=156, y2=96 Item type: 0x04 Item info: 'OK' 1: Display rect: x1=73, y1=5, x2=375, y2=70 Item type: -0x78 Item info: '^0 ^1 ^2 ^3' DITL_503.txt # (decoded with TMPL 211) Number of items: (3 entries) 0: Display rect: x1=148, y1=111, x2=206, y2=131 Item type: 0x04 Item info: 'OK' 1: Display rect: x1=99, y1=8, x2=283, y2=50 Item type: -0x78 Item info: 'Thanks for registering your copy of The Atomic Mac!' 2: Display rect: x1=99, y1=49, x2=278, y2=102 Item type: -0x78 Item info: 'Please quit and restart to have full access to the program.' DITL_502.txt # (decoded with TMPL 211) Number of items: (9 entries) 0: Display rect: x1=87, y1=158, x2=145, y2=178 Item type: 0x04 Item info: 'OK' 1: Display rect: x1=202, y1=158, x2=260, y2=178 Item type: 0x04 Item info: 'Cancel' 2: Display rect: x1=15, y1=12, x2=306, y2=46 Item type: -0x78 Item info: 'To register your copy of The Atomic Mac, please enter the following information:' 3: Display rect: x1=15, y1=54, x2=100, y2=70 Item type: -0x78 Item info: 'Name:' 4: Display rect: x1=15, y1=79, x2=100, y2=95 Item type: -0x78 Item info: 'Email:' 5: Display rect: x1=15, y1=104, x2=100, y2=120 Item type: -0x78 Item info: 'Reg Code:' 6: Display rect: x1=120, y1=54, x2=300, y2=70 Item type: 0x10 Item info: '' 7: Display rect: x1=120, y1=79, x2=300, y2=95 Item type: 0x10 Item info: '' 8: Display rect: x1=120, y1=104, x2=300, y2=120 Item type: 0x10 Item info: '' DITL_201.txt # (decoded with TMPL 211) Number of items: (3 entries) 0: Display rect: x1=290, y1=110, x2=370, y2=130 Item type: 0x04 Item info: 'Go' 1: Display rect: x1=10, y1=10, x2=42, y2=42 Item type: -0x60 Item info: '' 2: Display rect: x1=50, y1=10, x2=375, y2=95 Item type: -0x78 Item info: 'This demonstrates the Notification Manager. Click Go, and after 5 seconds, an exception is thrown. If you suspend the application during that time, the Notification manager is used instead of a direct Alert.' DITL_144.txt # (decoded with TMPL 211) Number of items: (3 entries) 0: Display rect: x1=203, y1=38, x2=283, y2=58 Item type: 0x04 Item info: 'Insert' 1: Display rect: x1=10, y1=10, x2=133, y2=26 Item type: -0x78 Item info: 'Insert what?' 2: Display rect: x1=13, y1=40, x2=183, y2=56 Item type: 0x10 Item info: 'Delia' DITL_141.txt # (decoded with TMPL 211) Number of items: (4 entries) 0: Display rect: x1=210, y1=50, x2=290, y2=70 Item type: 0x04 Item info: 'OK' 1: Display rect: x1=10, y1=10, x2=42, y2=42 Item type: -0x60 Item info: '' 2: Display rect: x1=50, y1=10, x2=289, y2=42 Item type: -0x78 Item info: 'This field cannot accept more than ^0 characters.' 3: Display rect: x1=132, y1=44, x2=164, y2=76 Item type: -0x60 Item info: '' DITL_140.txt # (decoded with TMPL 211) Number of items: (2 entries) 0: Display rect: x1=93, y1=50, x2=173, y2=70 Item type: 0x04 Item info: 'OK' 1: Display rect: x1=50, y1=10, x2=216, y2=29 Item type: -0x78 Item info: 'Placeholder for About Box' DITL_139.txt # (decoded with TMPL 211) Number of items: (4 entries) 0: Display rect: x1=210, y1=50, x2=290, y2=70 Item type: 0x04 Item info: 'OK' 1: Display rect: x1=10, y1=10, x2=42, y2=42 Item type: -0x60 Item info: '' 2: Display rect: x1=50, y1=10, x2=289, y2=42 Item type: -0x78 Item info: 'This field cannot be left empty.' 3: Display rect: x1=132, y1=44, x2=164, y2=76 Item type: -0x60 Item info: '' DITL_138.txt # (decoded with TMPL 211) Number of items: (4 entries) 0: Display rect: x1=290, y1=120, x2=370, y2=140 Item type: 0x04 Item info: 'OK' 1: Display rect: x1=10, y1=10, x2=42, y2=42 Item type: -0x60 Item info: '' 2: Display rect: x1=50, y1=10, x2=369, y2=98 Item type: -0x78 Item info: 'Assertion failure at line ^0 in source code file ^1. Reason: ^2 ' 3: Display rect: x1=50, y1=100, x2=253, y2=116 Item type: -0x78 Item info: 'Value: ^3' DITL_137.txt # (decoded with TMPL 211) Number of items: (4 entries) 0: Display rect: x1=210, y1=50, x2=290, y2=70 Item type: 0x04 Item info: 'OK' 1: Display rect: x1=10, y1=10, x2=42, y2=42 Item type: -0x60 Item info: '' 2: Display rect: x1=50, y1=10, x2=295, y2=42 Item type: -0x78 Item info: 'This field accepts only numbers ^0^1^2^3.' 3: Display rect: x1=132, y1=44, x2=164, y2=76 Item type: -0x60 Item info: '' DITL_136.txt # (decoded with TMPL 211) Number of items: (3 entries) 0: Display rect: x1=290, y1=120, x2=370, y2=140 Item type: 0x04 Item info: 'Quit' 1: Display rect: x1=10, y1=10, x2=42, y2=42 Item type: -0x60 Item info: '' 2: Display rect: x1=50, y1=10, x2=372, y2=111 Item type: -0x78 Item info: 'The application ^0 could not be launched because of an exception during startup. Error ID = ^1' DITL_135.txt # (decoded with TMPL 211) Number of items: (5 entries) 0: Display rect: x1=290, y1=120, x2=370, y2=140 Item type: 0x04 Item info: 'Revert' 1: Display rect: x1=180, y1=120, x2=260, y2=140 Item type: 0x04 Item info: 'Cancel' 2: Display rect: x1=10, y1=10, x2=42, y2=42 Item type: -0x60 Item info: '' 3: Display rect: x1=60, y1=10, x2=370, y2=102 Item type: -0x78 Item info: 'Revert to the last saved version of ^0? All changes will be lost.' 4: Display rect: x1=0, y1=108, x2=381, y2=110 Item type: -0x40 Item info: '' DITL_134.txt # (decoded with TMPL 211) Number of items: (5 entries) 0: Display rect: x1=290, y1=120, x2=370, y2=140 Item type: 0x04 Item info: 'OK' 1: Display rect: x1=10, y1=10, x2=42, y2=42 Item type: -0x60 Item info: '' 2: Display rect: x1=50, y1=10, x2=371, y2=109 Item type: -0x78 Item info: 'There is a printing problem. Please make sure that you have selected a printer in the Chooser, then try the Print command again.' 3: Display rect: x1=50, y1=120, x2=220, y2=136 Item type: -0x78 Item info: 'Error ID: ^0' 4: Display rect: x1=0, y1=109, x2=381, y2=111 Item type: -0x40 Item info: '' DITL_133.txt # (decoded with TMPL 211) Number of items: (5 entries) 0: Display rect: x1=208, y1=31, x2=298, y2=51 Item type: 0x04 Item info: 'Cancel' 1: Display rect: x1=10, y1=34, x2=202, y2=48 Item type: -0x78 Item info: '$$PBAR' 2: Display rect: x1=10, y1=8, x2=291, y2=24 Item type: -0x78 Item info: '' 3: Display rect: x1=10, y1=57, x2=96, y2=71 Item type: -0x78 Item info: 'Time remaining:' 4: Display rect: x1=96, y1=57, x2=296, y2=71 Item type: -0x78 Item info: '' DITL_132.txt # (decoded with TMPL 211) Number of items: (3 entries) 0: Display rect: x1=290, y1=120, x2=370, y2=140 Item type: 0x04 Item info: 'OK' 1: Display rect: x1=10, y1=10, x2=42, y2=42 Item type: -0x60 Item info: '' 2: Display rect: x1=50, y1=10, x2=373, y2=107 Item type: -0x78 Item info: 'Memory is getting critically low! Save your work now to avoid losing any data. Closing windows can make more memory available.' DITL_131_Alert.txt # (decoded with TMPL 211) Number of items: (2 entries) 0: Display rect: x1=147, y1=76, x2=205, y2=96 Item type: 0x04 Item info: 'OK' 1: Display rect: x1=73, y1=5, x2=324, y2=70 Item type: -0x78 Item info: '^0 ^1 ^2 ^3' DITL_130.txt # (decoded with TMPL 211) Number of items: (5 entries) 0: Display rect: x1=290, y1=120, x2=370, y2=140 Item type: 0x04 Item info: 'OK' 1: Display rect: x1=50, y1=10, x2=373, y2=110 Item type: -0x78 Item info: '^1' 2: Display rect: x1=10, y1=10, x2=42, y2=42 Item type: -0x60 Item info: '' 3: Display rect: x1=50, y1=120, x2=165, y2=137 Item type: -0x78 Item info: 'Error ID: ^0' 4: Display rect: x1=0, y1=110, x2=381, y2=112 Item type: -0x40 Item info: '' DITL_129.txt # (decoded with TMPL 211) Number of items: (6 entries) 0: Display rect: x1=230, y1=100, x2=350, y2=120 Item type: 0x04 Item info: 'Save' 1: Display rect: x1=230, y1=70, x2=350, y2=90 Item type: 0x04 Item info: 'Cancel .' 2: Display rect: x1=60, y1=100, x2=180, y2=120 Item type: 0x04 Item info: 'Dont Save D' 3: Display rect: x1=10, y1=10, x2=42, y2=42 Item type: -0x60 Item info: '' 4: Display rect: x1=60, y1=10, x2=353, y2=58 Item type: -0x78 Item info: '^0 is not saved. Do you wish to save it before ^1?' 5: Display rect: x1=0, y1=60, x2=364, y2=63 Item type: -0x40 Item info: '' DITL_128_About Atomic Mac.txt # (decoded with TMPL 211) Number of items: (2 entries) 0: Display rect: x1=300, y1=160, x2=380, y2=180 Item type: 0x04 Item info: 'OK' 1: Display rect: x1=10, y1=10, x2=387, y2=147 Item type: 0x08 Item info: '$$TXT+,33,128,1'